Friday, January 19, 2018

Full Day

After Kimball and breakfast, I went to WinCo, which I do several days a week, for fresh produce and so on.
Printed out my diet regimen for Cheryl B., director of the Adult Center, who had asked for it at the VCS meeting. (More about that sorry organization later.)  I couldn't find Cheryl's e-mail address and since the Center is not far from the museum, I printed it out and stopped to give it to her on the way to my walk.  Saw Marie and the receptionist (can't remember her name), both of whom I know, and chatted a bit. I then went on my way to the library.
Stopped at the Y on the way home to say hello to Tony, the former SCAN director, whom we all miss. He greeted me with a big hug; Y admin Shari was there, too. I like them both so much; just stayed for five or so, as I know they have busy schedules.
Debra called when I got home and we discussed VCS. We're both very dissatisfied with the whole setup and talked about expressing that to Suze and Lori. We'll see. Just had carrots (which I had cooked with tangerines quarters in the slow cooker) and a potato for dinner. I wasn't very hungry and will have my rockfish today.
Got to the Lexington for Humor and Drama Toastmasters at 7:00.  It turned out to be a lot of fun.  I had volunteered to do the improv segment and participants were actually pretty good. In the middle of the meeting, nephew Wes returned my call, which I took in the hallway.  He said yes, he'd like to meet Pam when he's here in March, so I'll figure out how to arrange that.   

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...