Monday, January 29, 2018

Fine Weather And Fish

Back to fine weather, I'm happy to say: It was mild when I walked at 7:00 and incredibly, got up to the high seventies during my town walk.  I recovered from my tummy problem and feel good--guess I should be careful about too much, even if it's good stuff.
I spent most of the morning getting family photos into the new album I bought. Now these aren't my marriage family pics--the ones I'm working on now I labelled "Birth Family." I also have a big group of "Early Byrne" and "Early Figenshu," as well as "My Family" plus "Documents," which include my parents' birth, death, and marriage certificates. The thought of getting other paperwork organized is daunting; I have copies of the articles I wrote for American Jewish Life, the Atlantic City Press, The Breeze, and other publications, plus my scripts and short stories. Well, I'll try to keep pluggin' away.
Main Street was jammed with people, which didn't surprise me, considerably it was a sunny Sunday. On my way to the library, I  went to all the thrift stores looking for a vest or bodice to wear over my costume. I haven't found anything appropriate and I think with the sash and long skirt, it should be okay. It's the fish I'm on the prowl for; stopped at several novelty and gift shops again today with no luck.  I think I'll have to find it on-line, but I don't want to pay an arm and a leg for it.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...