Thursday, January 11, 2018

Ordinary Doings

Walked Kimball, but went early, so I had finished the circuit by 7:45, too early for my 8:00 am blood test at Quest. Strolled over to Smart 'n' Final and bought a spaghetti squash. It was a small one--they're easier to handle--and I was bemused by the fact it cost $1.95. The 99 Cent store regularly has them for--yes, 99 cents--even considerably larger ones.  Goes to show something or other.
After breakfast, I stopped at Sprouts and bought veggie dogs; thought I'd try them, as I haven't had them for several years. Also got two containers of blueberries. I spent some time in getting my filing in order. I have a bad habit of putting items in my "in" basket (sort of), then letting them pile up until it's a formidable undertaking to file them all. Still haven't done that.
I looked on the Internet to see news about the mudslides. Horribly, thirteen people have already been killed and several others are missing. The man who founded St. Augustine's, a private Catholic school here, was killed, his wife hurt, but recovering.
Lunch, then town. Started a new bio of Elvis Presley, but lost interest fairly quickly. I stopped in some shops on the way in and bought a light jacket--very nice.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...