Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Chopped: Veggies and Hair

Kimball and breakfast. Went to WinCo right after and loaded up on veggies. When I got home, I spent a considerable amount of time preparing them, mostly with my trusty chopper. I chopped cucumbers, a huge cauliflower, several green peppers,  and two pounds of carrots. To the latter I added cut-up tangerines and cinnamon to go in the slow cooker. However, I thought I'd better not start it, as I had a hair appointment at  3:00 and I wanted to get my walk in right after lunch.
Betty called to say she had received the amaryllis she had left at my place, plus a top I sent her.  We chatted a bit.  I called the number I have for Wes and left a message, but haven't yet heard back from him. It occurred to me that after the divorce, he may have gotten a new number; well, I can easily find out.
Did my usual walk, museum to library, and Carole called while I was on my way.  We  chatted  and she said she'll be at the Council for Seniors this morning.  When I got to the library, I saw it was quarter to three. Uh, oh, my appointment was for 3:00 and I knew I couldn't get back to the museum, then drive to the mall in fifteen, so I called to say I'd be late. Amanda was okay with that and took me right away.
I had color and a trim. It looks okay, but I don't think it looks a C-Note okay--but then I never do. Called Nancy after dinner and we decided we'd go to the earlier (1:00 pm) showing of Murder On The Orient Express today, then stop for drinks and appetizers after. 

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