Monday, January 22, 2018


The usual Sunday routine: coffee, Kimball, and crossword. Breakfast, too, of course, but since I'm hung up on alliteration...
WinCo for salad dressing and a few other things. Spent time writing out a letter to Betty, giving her some of the food prep info I've used for my weight loss. Did a few other things on the computer.  Lunch was salad, of course, and the three spring rolls I took home from Jasmine Thai. Went the museum to library route and on the way, stopped into a shop and bought a blouse that will go nicely with my new Capri pants.
El called to say Office Max hadn't had her new computer done Friday night. It was supposed to be programmed in an hour or two, and after we had dinner and she dropped me off, she went back to get it.  Nope, so she had to go back yesterday.  They did give her a $25 gift certificate for her trouble. Considering what the laptop cost, it was little enough.
I heard from the Toastmaster mistress, or whatever she's called, that I've been appointed an evaluater  for one of the speakers tonight. That means I--well, evaluate, then report on what was good and what could have been improved. Of course, I won't know what the hell I'm doing, but I'll wing it.
Connie, from the Maritime Museum e-mailed me asking what day I'd like to be a character there. I said Sunday, February 18, but have nothing scheduled either day, so could do both.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...