Sunday, January 07, 2018

Back to Routine

Got to Kimball at 7:00 and was surprised to see it was almost enveloped in fog. It was a little eerie, in fact; however, I started off and saw other walkers emerge out of the mist, so no prob.
After breakfast, I started dismantling the Christmas decorations. I assembled most of them on the coffee table and will continue putting away today. I was chagrined to realize my Christmas table runner, which I had on that table, has a big hole in it. The hole was from my pretty Christmas tree candle, the wax from which had flowed down and burnt the runner.  Luckily, it didn't harm the table because there's glass in the middle.
Under the kitchen table, I found a box with an amaryllis bulb in it; it's not mine, so must be Betty's.  I called her and yes, she had overlooked it. She goes back to Jersey on Wednesday, so I'll send it to her in a day or two.
Went to the 99-cent store and WinCo for a few things, had lunch, then took off for town for the walk. It was just a "back to routine" day, which was fine by me.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...