Thursday, January 04, 2018

Around Town With Betty

Walked Kimball, with Betty keeping up as well as she could. It's hard for me to slow to her pace, but we completed the mile and a half okay. Home for breakfast, then some talk and computer stuff. Nancy called and unfortunately, her little dog, Marley, was under the weather.  Nancy thought she'd take him to the vet, so wasn't able to join us for lunch.
We left for town about 11:00 and strolled around, visiting several shops. Got to Paradise Pantry and Noreen came in shortly thereafter.  We had a good time--Betty had a new audience for her stories--and the food was delish.
We said goodbye to Noreen.  I had thought we could take my town walk after, but Betty didn't feel up to it, so we drove home. I used the Chop Wizard to prepare cauliflower for dinner, then we walked over to Vons and I got some good salmon for dinner. Served that, the cauliflower with shredded cheese on it, fresh spinach, and a few other sides. We had our mixed fruit later.
Today, we'll walk, then attend T.O.P.S., which is now about three times as far as it had been in SCAN.  I'm pretty sure I've gained, considering my riotous living over the holidays, but I'm not worried about that; I know I'll take the excess off soon.
Considering it starts at 8:45, will now take twenty minutes or more to get there, AND drags on for longer than it should, I'm considering switching to the one Noreen goes to, on nearby Johnson Avenue. I think I'll go as a guest--they meet on Wednesday--and see if that might be better.

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Weight: home down a pound to 124.4; T.O.P.S., down .03 to 125.2, so okay. The meeting was the usual: therapy session and general chat for mo...