Saturday, January 27, 2018

Maritime Museum

Darn, I woke up just after 4:00 and couldn't get back to sleep. Finally gave in about 5:00 and started my day.  After Kimball and coffee, I took off for T.O.P.S.  Happily, this was the last time at the West Ventura branch of the library; next week and hereafter, we'll be at Trinity Lutheran.
I brought with me a jacket and four tops that I've outgrown; they were appropriated by different members. We had two new members, Lora and Maria, so it was crowded around the table, but fun. I lost another 1.1 for a total of 49.6 off and a present weight of 131.7.
Didn't have breakfast until after 10:00.  Showered, changed, and left for the Maritime Museum in Oxnard at 11:45, in plenty of time to get there for my 12:30 appointment with Connie K., the docent director.
Only I didn't get there until 1:20.  I don't want to go into a long saga about this, but will just say I got lost, so stopped and asked a total of five people, all of whom were very helpful and none of whom got me there.  Howsomever--I finally arrived at about 1:20, very apologetic, but Connie was gracious about it. She showed me a number of the nautical paintings--they're wonderful--and let me make a choice about whether to be a (male) painter who mentored Monet or the Dutch woman who appears haggling over fish in the earliest painting they have. It's by Adam Willarts and was signed and dated by him in 1622. I fell in love with it and opted to impersonate the Dutch woman. After that was decided, Connie and I went over some costume pieces. She found a blouse I can wear, plus a wig (but I don't think that's necessary), plus two cloth hats; not sure which I'll wear. I was there until almost 3:00, then after getting some printed info on the painter (and I'll look up more on the Internet), I left.
Wasn't finished lunch until close to 4:00, but didn't want to skip town, plus I wanted to look for costume pieces in the thrift stores. I found an appropriate skirt--kind of an ugly brown--and bought that. Now I'll look for a sash, which the woman had on, and decide which shoes to wear.

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