Sunday, March 02, 2014

St. Teresa's And The Library

Went back to St. Teresa's in the morning to attend a memorial mass for the sister of an acquaintance, Rosemarie M.  I had worked with Rosemarie on an early version of our community paper, Sunrise, and had met her sister.  Got there a little late, but that was okay.  As I was leaving, I met Mary S., whom I had seen at A Night At The Opera.  In mock amazement, she said, "Heavens, here you are at church two days in a row!"  I laughed and said, "Yes, the earth just jolted to a stop, I guess."
After assembling the Hedda stuff for the library display window, I discovered I had no tacks or push pins, so went over to Dollar General to get some.  While there, I bought a pair of eight dollar reading glasses; it's incredible to me that I can actually use them, at least for the right eye.
At the library, it was frustrating to try to arrange the window to look less--or more--than tacky.  The damn thing is so ugly, with metal supports or braces or whatever they are, which holds a glass shelf in the middle. I wanted to cover as much as possible with my lengths of black and green cloth.  I've done it before, but got very nervous on the top step of my step stool and found it hard to adequately cover the brackets.  Don't like the finished product at all.  I want to bring somebody back to help, but I'm booked for most of next week, and don't know when I can get back there.
After, thought I'd go to Shop-Rite, but once I was in Manahawkin, realized it was Saturday and the place would be jammed.  Turned right around and went to Acme instead.  That was jammed, too, I guess by people who think yet another Storm of the Century is coming.  However, I got what I wanted and got out of there.
Betty called to say Larry had told her Jack B. has lung cancer.  Damn--yet another in a long line of smokers who paid the price for Bogart sophistication--including Bogart.  Betty said Larry had tried to call me, but I wasn't in.  I had promised Betty I'd go down there "for moral support" on Monday, and I will, but I hope to take time to do something with the display window first.          

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