Saturday, March 08, 2014

Clearing Out And Betty Mae

A busy, productive day, I'm happy to note.  Started in right after breakfast clearing out the walk-in closet--it's unbelievable all I had in there.  By the time I finished, I had covered my bed, the guest room beds, and several other flat surfaces. These were clothes, books, and innumerable other items I had to have or I would have died and now I can't even remember why I bought them.
Incredibly, I came across six yearbooks from Villanova University from the early fifties.  As I recall, I salvaged them from my mother's after she went to St. Mary's; why she had them, I have no idea and why I took them--dunno that, either.  Also found a 1948 Rider yearbook.  I must have bought them at yard sales just because I like all that old stuff.  Out they go.
I interrupted my labors to put the drops in my eyes and was taken aback to find I had no more of one kind.  Called eye doc office, asked if I could get a sample and, after lots of back-and-forth on the phone, was told they had some in Galloway about 20 miles away. Jumped in the car and got them--that teeny vial would have cost me $124 if I hadn't asked for a sample--and got home in time to collect the mail and find the important letter Mike said was coming.  God knows what he's involved in--best not to ask--but I sent it to him global express, which cost $65.95.  No prob: He beefed up my BOA account considerably a few months ago.
Got back in time to greet my friend and we packed up her SUV.  She'll take all my stuff to the Goodwill, which she favors because it hires disabled people. She's my inspiration, as she and mate have a target date for putting their house up for sale and have been engaged in clearing out and cleaning up for months.  I want to be as diligent and must not kid myself that getting one closet in shape is the equivalent of having the house ready to sell.  Happily, my friend issued me an invitation to dinner tonight, which I was happy to accept.  
I was pleased to get e-mail from my old--uh, longtime--friend, Betty Mae W., with whom I've been in touch on Facebook.  I'm happy to be reconnected with her, as I am with Jeanne P.; we graduated from Holy Spirit together a million years ago  Betty lives in California and, as that's where I'm headed eventually, I hope we can get together in person someday.
The delicious icing on the day's cake (well, that's an awkward metaphor) was a Skype call from yummy little K. in Tokyo.  He'll be six months old tomorrow and what a little doll.  I know he recognizes his Nana because--I swear--he smiles so big every time he sees me on the monitor.
Only down side of the day was the sulkiness of my printer, now refusing to do anything for me and displaying some kind of error message.  Damn, I hate these electronic spoiled brats, on which I'm so dependent--oh, but not you, computer baby, not you!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...