Thursday, March 20, 2014

Guest Room And Betty Mae

I actually got stuff done!  Cleared out the guest room closet, marveling at the incredible amount it held.  Of course, it's a double closet, running along the whole south wall, but still--both twin beds and my bed were filled, and I took some things out to the garage.  Emailed my friend and she said she'd be here today to haul the giveaways to the thrift store.
Took a break after lunch to go to Manahawkin in search of an umbrella.  I had had three of them, but one I lost, one broke, and the other's a large span golf umbrella too big for comfort most of the time.  Looked at Kohl's, K-Mart, Bed, Bath & Beyond, and finally selected a cheapie at Wal-Mart.
I was stunned to get a gas (heat) bill of $311!  After last month's bill of $289, I set the temperature at what I consider a chilly 70 (from 73) and thought that would lower the bill, but clearly, it had no effect.
Had two enjoyable interludes:  As we had arranged earlier, my old friend from high school, Betty Mae McG. W. phoned, and we happily caught up with each other for an hour or so.  Betty--who seems not to use the "Mae" anymore--has had some difficult times, including the heavy losses of her husband and son--but is still game to experience life.  I remember her as a cheerful and buoyant teenager with a ready smile and she seemed little different on the phone.
Also got a Skype call from that six-month-old little dynamo, K.  Now there is no doubt that when he sees his Nana on the screen, he smiles and laughs--he recognizes me, I just know it!
Had to cut his virtual visit short, as we were rehearsing act 4 at the Community Center.  As usual, the further planned rehearsal schedule has been jettisoned, due to difficulty in getting into the Center.  We'll "read" tonight at the Henry's, then meet almost every evening until showtime, which is--
--YOICKS! two weeks from today!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...