Thursday, March 13, 2014

Marilyn And The Warfare State

Tooled up to Trenton to meet Marilyn at 11:45.  We had a good lunch and good talk--we go way, way, back to 1975 when we met at Rider--but it was upsetting to see her using a cane. She's only in her fifties, but said it helps her tendinitis.* Besides being a department supervisor, Marilyn is an accomplished organist; she plays and directs a church choir and was a graduate of Westminster Choir College, long before Rider acquired it.
After we parted, I drove to Ewing and visited old haunts: our house on Lower Ferry; the cemetery where my dear friend, Elaine, resides (and will forever, presumably); and a few other spots.  It's odd that my life there--41 years of it--seems more remote and dreamlike than my childhood in Ventnor.  It feels almost as if I was a girl growing up, then made the transition to present day maturity (ahem) without anything in between.  Hmm...
Took a dry run--or a wet one, considering it had started to rain--to the Laurita Winery on the way home, as Aline and I are going there next week.  It was still early, though, so I drove up to Manahawkin and ran a few errands.
An okay day, different from most.
*That's what Spellcheck provided!  Why it should have an "i," instead of the "o," in "tendon," is beyond me, but there it is.
WIDER: The source of the current calamity-howling about Russia is the Warfare State–that is, the existence of vast machinery of military, diplomatic and economic maneuver that is ever on the prowl for missions and mandates and that can mobilize a massive propaganda campaign on the slightest excitement.
That's a bit of uncommon common sense from David Stockman and here's the rest:

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