Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Not Much

Aside from mundane chores, didn't do much yesterday except make a salad and laze around.  Called Leslie to see if she wanted to re-join the Women's Club; she isn't sure, will consider, and invited me over for coffee on Thursday.  Took my dues over to Dottie P.'s.
Rehearsal last night went well--I think.  Got little feedback from Desi, so in light of his directing style, guess I'm doing all right.  Tara was there and measured us for costumes, which she'll rent. I had e-mailed Ellen that I'd be happy to read lines and go over blocking with her separately and she thinks it's a good idea.
We added a rehearsal on Thursday and at next Sunday's, we'll approximate costumes and publicist Joe will do a video, then put it on Facebook.
Had a nice Skype "visit" with Ellen--my Ellen, that is--then toddled off to bed.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...