Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Snow And Putin

Awoke to a winter wonderland--again--and now I think it's time for Mother Nature to get the hell out of Dodge.  I'm sick of snow, as is everybody else is around here.
Actually got all bundled up to go out and test it and found it wasn't slippery. However, it was still coming down and swirling around in the wind and, after rescuing my paper and Frank's, I decided I wasn't going to walk in it, whether Susan did or not.  She emailed me later to the effect that she didn't.
Got more stuff, mostly books and toys, hauled out from the guest room closet, for my friend to take to the thrift store.  Made a big salad and had it for lunch.
After lunch, I noticed the streets were clear and went up to Parkertown Auto to have my directional lights replaced.  They charged only $5.00 and pushed my right mirror back in; I had hit a pole with it the other night.  No charge for that, and I had the oil changed, too.  On the way home, stopped at Acme and got chicken thighs, which I roasted with lemon pepper.  Had one for dinner--very tasty.
Rehearsal last night for act 4.  It went well, as Desi was in a less dictatorial mood and I like the chance to show emotion on stage.  In this case, I had just lost my sister and am at Hedda's to share that with her.  We also did act 3, in which I don't appear; Desi was kind enough to reverse the sequence so I could leave after my part.
Eye doctor appointment today; the final one, I assume, then I'll meet Aline and we'll go to lunch.
WIDER:  Oh, yes, we pacifists are cynical about the true motivations of the government when it comes to prospects for war.  From AntiWar.Com, here's an interesting comment illustrating our mistrust:
 The larger question is why US politicians choose to depict Putin as a threat when they all know that the American military and intelligence are totally dependent on Russian good will. Why do I say this: Simply because all of the large US military and spy satellites carried on the Atlas V since 2002 have been put into orbit by RD 180 rocket engines. And who makes these engines for Lockheed Martin and Boeing? None other than the Russian company Energomash.
And of course, all of the vaunted US military supremacy is dependent on those very satellites.So why the big show over how wicked Putin is? Do you think maybe the military industrial complex needs a new enemy now that the Afghan war is finally winding down?  

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