Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Spent the morning re-stocking the larder (what the hell is a larder?):  seasoned and roasted the chicken drumsticks I bought the other day, made a big salad, boiled several eggs, and cut up broccoli.  Now I'm set for a few days.
I had told Mary I'd go back to Produce Junction to get the heather plants I had seen there--twelve of them to dress our stage "garden" for Hedda.  I knew Aline was going to a retirement dinner for one of her co-workers, but called to see if she could accompany me.
She could and I picked her up at 2:00.  Susan had asked if I'd get her two, so I put the LETCO dozen in the trunk and hers in the back.  Drove to Mary's and rang the bell; we were surprised to see "my nephew," George (Tony), there.  I think he's off this week and I know he stays at the H.'s.
We unloaded the heather plants, put them in the garage, then I drove Aline to the Stafford library.  By the time I got home, it was after 4:00.  After doing stuff on the computer and eating a few drumsticks, I felt sleepy, so I lay down on the couch and took a nap.
That's unusual for me, but I hadn't gotten my full eight or more hours the night before and that's one of the perks of living alone: If you feel like napping, you can.  Woke up refreshed when it was almost 8:00, so I just got my jammies on and put my popcorn in the microwave, preparing to settle down.  But then---the phone rang!
Who in the WORLD would call me at this ungodly hour?!  It was eight o'clock at night, for heaven's sake!  Must be some grave emergency--!
Okay, okay, I'm joking.  I do prefer earlier calls, but even I am not ready for bed at eight.  I do want to emphasize that if it's one of my children calling, I don't care what time it is, I want to hear from them.
Turned out it was Pat L., a friend, but not an intimate one, who was just calling to chat.  I happen to know that Pat's routine is the exact opposite of mine: She stays up until 2 am or later, and often sleeps until that time in the afternoon.  We had a nice talk, promising to keep in touch, then said goodbye.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...