Friday, March 07, 2014

Day After Left Eye

After a slightly rocky start, the day turned out pretty nice.  I was upset over the library display window, which I hadn't gotten back to since Saturday.  It looked pretty tacky and I wanted to try to improve it.  Selected a few items I thought might help and picked Aline up at 11:00.  I improved the display to an extent, but it still doesn't look terrific.  I may tweak it a bit more, if I can think of a better presentation.
Stopped at the post office, then went to Wal-Mart where I got vacuum cleaner bags and direction lights for the car; must now get them installed.  Went across to B.J.'s and returned the web cam Mike had bought me, as it doesn't go on the t.v., after all.
By that time, it was almost 2:00, so we went to the doctor's office. I was taken in a few minutes and the eyes look good.  I again expressed by amazement to the doctor that the lens implant had actually cured my myopia of so many years.  I also asked what in the world had made her go into ophthalmology (who would choose to stick things into peoples' eyes, for heaven's sake?) and she said both her parents were opticians. Also, she herself has "plus ten" myopia which, she assured me, is even worse than mine--then mine was, that is.  When I asked why she didn't get the lasik surgery, she laughed and said, "I'm chicken."  I suggested she knew too much and she agreed.
By the time we got to Olive Garden for late lunch, it was 3:00, but no matter.  I had gotten all my errands done with my friend for company and I felt the good soup and salad were richly deserved.


iloveac said...

Does this mean you will no longer have to wear glasses?
I can see fine without my glasses after the cataract surgery, but better with them. /pat

Mimi said...

Pat, I need glasses for close work, as most mature people do, but I no longer need them for distance, even to drive Believe me, this incredible to me. See the entry "Miracle" below. Are you myopic? If you're far-sighted or whatever, the "miracle" may not apply.

iloveac said...

Went back and read 'Miracle'. Wow! That's fantastic. You must be thrilled. My ophthalmologist didn't do the full correction...left it so I could read up close without glasses. I wish he would have fully corrected the far vision. It's OK...I can drive with it, but glasses make it sharper.
So glad you are pleased with your results.


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...