Monday, March 31, 2014

A Mishmash

Got some of the income tax crap pulled together and did a few household chores. I must start writing up the profile on Carl and Maureen K., whom I interviewed weeks ago. It's always a mistake not to do it right away because the writer--this writer, anyway--loses some immediate impressions, even if written notes are still available.  
Pursued my quest to conceal my wedding ring--I haven't removed it since my husband put it on my finger fifty-six years ago--by going to Manahawkin and looking for a "cocktail" ring I thought might cover it.  Went to several places and didn't find anything appropriate.  However, I got something better at Party Fair: lacy, fingerless gloves that will do the trick and that Aunt Julia might keep on in the house.  I'd still like to be able to remove my engagement ring because the diamond catches on the lace unless I'm very careful.  Tried and tried, with first liquid soap, then Saran Wrap, but had no luck.  Think I'll see if a jeweler can do it, short of cutting it off.  If need be, I'll cover it with tape.  
Talked to Betty, who still hasn't found a place to live after May 15, but she has some possibilities.  Assembled my hats and other props; finally, at long last, we rehearse for the first time tonight in the theatre at Surflight.  We have tomorrow and Wednesday, too, then we open--aagh!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...