Friday, March 14, 2014

Cold, Hair, And A Card

Susan and I walked in bitter cold and a ferocious wind, righting blown-over recycle containers all the way.
Went down the street to Leslie's at 10:30; she had invited me for coffee, along with Emma M., whom I know slightly, and we had a convivial chat for an hour or so.
Got to Scissor Sisters at 2:00 for color with Kyle.  I must say it looks good, especially with the great cut she gave me a few weeks ago.  Guess it's worth the kings' ransom cost.
Received an adorable St. Patrick's Day card from Cutie K. in Tokyo.  Along with a shot of him surrounded by green, it contains this: "People will start talking about the luck of the 37.5 Irish with a Nana this nice."  It's signed by his Daddy, Mommy, and (squiggly line), the little Leprechaun himself. So precious and, with the other cards his Mommy has made over the years, I'll save it, of course.
Rehearsal last night, which was a bit worrisome.  We had been directed earlier by assistant Tara and Desi seems to be contradicting her interpretation at every turn. We got through it, though, and I stayed to watch a bit of the second act. Confusion reigned, as usual, when there was some question about time and location for Sunday's rehearsal.  I think it's going to be early; if so, I may not be able to stay for the Purim play in Margate in which my friend, Louise, is appearing.  Desi said he'd sent an e-mail to firm up plans.  

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