Friday, July 26, 2013

My Trip And Amash

Yesterday was devoted almost entirely to Getting Ready For My Trip.  Aside from things I have to add today, I finished packing.  Washed several loads, including my sheets, as I want to come home to a clean house and bed.  Also did whites and lights, and--
Wait!  Why in the world do I enumerate in such excruciatingly boring detail all the crap I seem to be unable to skip?  When somebody else does it, I send out a snooze alert, but when it is I--huh, different story.  Not!
Okay, I'm ready for my trip.  Also went back to A.C. Moore to return two feathers I don't need and bought a jar of mayonnaise at Shop-Rite.  (Now that's the kind of exciting detail I should include in this journal!  Ha, I'm in a silly mood.)
Enlarged on my new play and, in an unrelated literary endeavor, started a new comedic verse (which may turn into a sung ditty) called Why Do You Have To Be Young?  It ain't bad, if I say it meself.
Talked to Betty, who's anticipating a visit from son, Wes, and is Scarlett.  Talked  twice to Aline, who's again off to Manhattan today.  Ate or otherwise got rid of most of what was in the refrig; will put my final trash in Susan's container.
Soon--I'm off to Californ-ee-ay!
WIDER:  The dem and repub toadies in the House have gotten together to trash the Amash amendment.  From Glenn G.:
"Remember when Democrats used to object so earnestly when Dick Cheney would scream 'The Terrorists!' every time someone tried to rein in the National Security State just a bit and so modestly protect basic civil liberties? How well they have learned: now, a bill to ban the government from collecting the telephone records of all Americans, while expressly allowing it to collect the records of anyone for whom there is evidence of wrongdoing, is - in the language of the House Democratic Leadership - a bill to Protect The Terrorists."
The G.G. article:

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