Sunday, July 28, 2013

Rancho Camulos

My first full day in Ventura was yay-fun.  Ellen and I went to Rancho Camulos, a fascinating place of 1800 acres and the only Mexican land grant rancho in California open to public.  The main adobe was built in 1853 and it was the inspiration for the book, Ramona, and the site for the 1910 movie of the same name. Beautiful grounds, interesting house and fascinating history.  It was very warm there, as this place is in a valley, but being built in the adobe style, it was comfortably cool inside.  A man named August Rubel and his family has owned the property since around WWI, most of them gone, but not all.  His daughter, now in her eighties, comes to tend the beautiful rose garden out front. 
We spent several hours there, then went home to get on our bathing suits and go to the pool.  It was so refreshing, but cool, so the hot tub after felt heavenly.
Ellen made Margaritas--yum!--which we enjoyed during a Google call from the Tokyo twosome.  We discussed a question of great import, but lightheartedly, and it was so good to see both P. and N.  Ellen made wonderful chili and salad for dinner, we watched her WI-FI (? or whatever), which is very similar to those I play on the computer.  Turned in by 9:00 and slept like a... 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...