Sunday, July 14, 2013

Gap Day

Gap day.  In between fun stuff and lunches, there's sometimes a gap with nothing much of interest happening.*  Went to Shop-Rite after putting broccoli florets and white beans (just thought I'd combine them and I had some, but it isn't that terrific) in the crock pot, and did a wash.  Sent Mike's mail off.  Picked up the book I requested at he library: Christopher Hitchens' Mortality.  He has died since, of the cancer he describes, and for some reason, I've delved for years into writings on the great sleep.  Half in love with easeful death?  I don't think so, just fascinated by it, in a way.  I can't conceive of simply not existing.
Wrote various e-mails, notes, and stuff on the computer.  I have an idea for a play buzzing away in my mind--will take place in an Atlantic City casino--but haven't started it yet.  Made a date to meet my pacifist friend, Karen N., whom I met on the bus to Ft. Meade, for lunch on Thursday.  Toyed with the idea of going to the pool, especially after the perpetual clouds gave way to sun, but didn't. 
Ho, as they say, hum.
*Interesting to me, that is.  Hard to believe my little doings would interest anyone else.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...