Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Before I set off on my rounds, I oiled a Rock Cornish hen for the crock pot, added homemade spaghetti sauce (just fresh tomatoes, onions, and garlic sautéed in oil) and seasonings, and set it at low.
Finally, at long last, I weeded some stuff out of my closet and drawers.  Separated it into what I think Betty might want, and things for the thrift store.  Meant to stop and donate them on my way to Manahawkin, but forgot, so they're still in my car.  Well, I'll do it another time.
Went to Target, looking for one of those "face fans," as I call them.  They're handheld, battery-operated and include a spray feature.  You fill the container with ice and water, then spray wherever--so delightful in this Draconian heat.  Stopped at a few other places for various.  When I got home, the hen was already finished and I had a good portion of it for lunch. Very tasty. 
Went to the pool, and stayed about an hour, the entire time in the water.  Only a few others there, but I chatted with them, including Rich N., who used to be in our now-defunct drama club.    
Harmonious day, though played in a minor note.   

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I was down to 123.8 at home, a loss of 1.2 and down to 124.7 at T.O.P.S, so down 1.01. The meeting was the usual therapy session, but not to...