Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Pool And Play

During our walk, Susan told me she had to go to the ophthalmologist at 11:00.  She has glaucoma and the pressure behind one eye is increasing.  Boy, I hope it can be stopped or at least, slowed.  My biggest fear is blindness, which is why I'm still holding off getting my cataracts removed.
Actually bestirred myself long enough to pull weeds out front, the recent rain making it easy.  Ran (drove) up to Manahawkin to take something back and, having a yen for  rotisserie chicken, stopped at Shop-Rite and bought one.
After lunch, I threw on my suit and went to the pool.  Incredibly, I was the only one there at one point.  After three, though, a few others came in and we chatted for a bit while in the glorious cool and wet.  So refreshing.
Took out my suitcase in preparation for California.  Can't wait to hang out with Ellen.  After all, I deserve a vacation from my strenuous, debilitating, nose-to-the-grindstone, dreary life.  (Believe that and I have a bridge in Pomoma...)
Started a new play (it's set in Atlantic City, but that's all I'll reveal) for which I needed some info on a particular activity.  Looked some stuff up and hope it comes across accurately.  

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