Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Meditation and Manning

Took our good, brisk walk in the morning, then hung out and did various low-key stuff during the day. Got gas, went to the bank, then a nursery, where Ellen bought some nice plants for her garden.  I was so enthralled by the Rieger begonias--the blooms were huge and colors incredibly brilliant--that I took pictures of the display.  I guess the fact that plants can live here all year makes a huge difference in horticulture.
We thought we'd go to the pool, but decided it was a bit too cool.  I was tired--not sure why, as I've been sleeping fine--and actually took a little nap for an hour or so.
We watched some episodes of Weed, a really funny, very adult, and quite risqué series on Showtime, which Ellen can record and watch whenever she wants.  I loved it.
After dinner, we went to the "Peace To All" place and participated in a gathering of about fifteen people, like-minded in the sense that the are probably not conventionally religious, but aim to explore their spirituality otherwise. 
I was a little apprehensive--I tend to prize reason above all--but was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it.  I met Ellen's fellow teacher, Rachel, a very nice young woman, and chatted a bit with others.  We sat in a circle, most on the floor (Ellen had called ahead to ask that a chair be provided for me) introduced ourselves, then spent a fair amount of time making a "vision poster."  Cutting words and pictures out of the many magazines provided, we pasted onto poster board depictions of what we wanted in life--e.g. cash, romance, a new car, and so on.  Incense was burned--it got pretty smoky, actually--and perfumes of various scents were handed around. 
After that, we meditated, led by the group leader, Linda.  I've tried before and never was able to reach a meditative state--last night was no exception, but it was very relaxing.  There was a bit of conversation in the circle after, and several women mentioned they had felt a presence near them.  I'll reserve judgment on that, but they were clearly sincere and not pretending.  We left a donation and said goodbye.
We were home by a bit after 9:00 and watched more of Weeds, me with a glass of wine, a nectarine, and a handful of almonds, then turned in.  We're meeting nieces Carolyn and Francine and their families, plus nephew Steve and his boy, at Universal Studies today.  Should be great fun.
WIDER:  Along with thousands--or millions, I hope--of others, I was thrilled to learn that Bradley Manning was found not guilty of "aiding the enemy."  He's still far from safe from the fury of the American Gestapo, of course, for daring to reveal its maniacal secrets, but at least the most serious charge has been dropped.  He could have been put to death in real time, instead of enduring the slow death to which he's been subjected for several years past.  Courage, Brad! 

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