Thursday, July 25, 2013

Hat Of A Prince

Mindful of Rachel's tiresome dictate that we include costumes in our (already ill-fated, it seems to me) Ugly Duckling presentation, I went out looking.  Found an unadorned straw hat, kind of unisex, at the SOCH thrift store for two bucks, which I think will do for the prince.  Went to A.C. Moore and picked up some long, fancy feathers to add. 
Home, I sewed up the brim on one side to make it look properly rakish, I hope, and tied a neon-green scarf around the crown, then stuck in a long brown and black feather.  It actually looks pretty good and does suggests the chapeau of a prince in fairy-tale land.
Other than that, and mundane domestic chores, I didn't do a whole lot productive.     

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