Monday, July 22, 2013

Dine Around

Okay day.  Did a few domestic chores early on, then prepared for Dine Around.  Mary Ann V. picked me up at 4:15, as these things start ridiculously early--old fogy time, doncha know--and it was on Long Beach Island.
LBI in the summer is a place I usually avoid, considering the crowds, but Rosario's proved to be a pretty nice place.  We had a private room and there were about 35 of us.  With a choice of fish, chicken, or pasta, I had the rigatoni Bolognese.  We played the usual silly games conducted by the K.'s; on this occasion, I was in a jaunty mood and enjoyed them.
During dessert, a thunderstorm and downpour descended and the streets rapidly flooded, as they always do on LBI.  Geez, to hear Mary Ann (and several others) go into hysterical high gear, you'd think we were going down on the Titanic.  We did have to walk through six-inch high (literally) water to get to the car, and our shoes and shoes got soaked, of course. 
All the way to the causeway, Mary Ann groused and moaned about the water, which did indeed, as it always does, reach all the across the main boulevard.  However, we got through, so one should express her dismay once or twice, then shut up about it. She also has a nasty tendency to vocalize her annoyance with other drivers as if they could hear her, with "oh, that was some dumb move, buddy" and "what kind of an idiot driver are you, jerk?" and so on. 
The third strike against her is her over-lasting jockeying to get something or other out of people.  I thanked her for picking me up (she had called and offered) and, of course, she immediately said, "Next time, it's your turn."  I was noncommittal about that.
Home after 8:30, I immediately Skyped Ellen and we had a great cyber-visit.  I'll be there in just four days--yay!          

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...