Tuesday, July 02, 2013

No Lake, But Beach

I was so pleased to receive a (phone) call from my dear nephew, Dave W., now settled into his Foreign Service job in--lucky guy!--Rome.  He and Polly, a bright and adventurous couple, are greatly enjoyed the city, where I hope to visit before they leave.
The weather did not cooperate for a lake day, but we managed to have fun, anyway.  Arrived up north about 2:00 and the boys blew in shortly thereafter.  We played Janghi (or whatever it's call), in which you pile squared-off wooden stakes, alternating in each direction, then each player has to removed one until they all fall down.  I like the game because it couldn't be simpler; I never considered complicated "strategy" games no fun. 
After a tasty dinner, we went to the beach at Belmar.  It was foggy, cold, and damp, but so what?  The boys raced around gathering shells and getting sandy and wet, and we had a ball.
Back to their place about 8:00 and to mine a bit after 9:00.  Ellen and I happily Skyped for a bit (I'll see her in a few weeks--yay!), then I had my usual and fell into bed.
Today, it's the indoor water park in Berlin.  The heck with the weather!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...