Monday, July 29, 2013


After a good, eggy breakfast, courtesy of Ellen, we enjoyed a Skype--actually now Google, I think--from P. and N. in Tokyo,* then took off for Ojai in the afternoon.  Had a California-style lunch at a nice restaurant outside on a gloriously sunny day: salmon salad on a halved avocado.  We stopped to get sunscreen and E., with larceny in her heart, took the bag it was in, so we could gather some illicit avocados on the "shelf walk."
I've walked this many times before.  Most who have would, I guess, call it a easy, broad, gently ascending path with lovely views of the valley below.  I regard it as a death-defying teeter over a treacherous precipice that's worth your life to attempt.
Maybe I exaggerate.  Anyway, it's moot because I was so full from lunch and it was so hot, I asked if we could turn back after five miles--well, three--actually, more like one....  Okay, we may have walked a quarter of a mile, but I was pooped.
After leaving Ojai, we went to the Ventura Museum.  It's a modest one, heavily Hollywood oriented, and exactly the kind I like: interesting artifacts and not so large you wander through room after room for hours.  Guess I'm a philistine, all right.
We had planned to go to pool after, but by that time, it was past five. We cleaned up, then watched Hedda Gabler (I had brought the CD), pausing it long enough for another delicious E-dinner: curried vegetables and chicken.  
Another wonderful day with my darling daughter.
Turned in at 9:00, slept like a log, and got up incredibly late for me, at 8:00 am, full of beans and rarin' to go.
*Oops--E. just pointed out that we saw the Tokyo Twosome yesterday, not today.         

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...