Sunday, February 03, 2013


After getting up so late, I stopped over at Susan's.  She was at Acme and I was about to leave when Walter and I got into a lively discussion, prompted by his remark about "the Chinese and Russians" hacking into "our" computers.  I took exception to that and we had a back-and-forth exchange, but it was cordial.  Our talk centered in a shadowy way on "words versus math and science," but ranged all over the map. 
Walter is a retired electrical engineer who now studies personality.  His interest is not the "he's shy because his mother was a strip tease artist" type.  It's all math and formulas and synapses and so on.  A few years ago, Walter wrote a book called The Psychology of Consciousness, which he gave me.  
Anyhoo, the rest of the day was fun.  I went shopping with a companion, then had dinner at her place.  Home by 7:00. 
Going to the Haggerstone's Super Bowl party tonight.  Don't even know who's playing and don't care, but I'll enjoy the social aspect.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...