Sunday, February 10, 2013

Busy Day Again

Enjoyed an early Skype call from London and saw the adorable little girls.  I was happy to see they had gotten the little pillows I sent for Valentine's Day and am thrilled I'll see them in California in April. 
Was not so thrilled  with the snow outside, but it was cleared off pretty quickly and I had no real problem with it.
Got an e-mail from nephew Dave W., who's soon to leave for Rome with the Foreign Service.  He said he and Polly, who now live in Washington, D.C., would like to come to my play and stay over.  That will be fun and I'll invite Betty, Joan and Jim, and another couple for brunch the next day.
Thought I'd spend the day studying lines, but about 11:00, I just decided to can it and go into Atlantic County.  Stopped for gas, called Betty to see if she could meet for lunch, and found Mary H. was there, too.  Said I'd join them and Betty made me a nice chicken sandwich.
Said goodbye and drove off, then impulsively decided to see if Dee G., who owns our old house on Rosborough Avenue, was in.  She was, greeted me with delighted cries (really), and I stayed twenty minutes or so with her.  She again has the house up for sale, but it's anybody's guess if it'll sell.
Home about 4:00 and checked the Arsenic Facebook page to see a post from wardrobe mistress Nicole to the effect that she was at the costume depository at that moment trying to select clothing for the cast.  She had left a number, I called, and said I'd be right there.  I went and joined her, my "sister," Chris, and love interest, Stacey.
I was amazed at the huge amount of costumes, furniture, and props in the very large, warehouse-like space; geez, LETCO never had anything like this.  Chris and I each wear three costumes in the play and we tried on the components of each, which Nicole had selected.  They include mourning outfits, with hats and gloves; we'll supply our own shoes.
After two hours there, my costumes were assembled and I piled them all in the car.  We're expected to wash, iron, and generally make presentable our own costumes, which is reasonable--after all, this isn't Broadway.  The only thing I lack now is a wig, if I decide to use one.  Otherwise, I'll spray my hair grey.
Oh, there's one other thing I need: to know my lines!  Today, I'm going to do nothing but memorize my part.

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Monday Matters of Business

Just ignore this entry, and go to the next:  Having absolutely VOWED to quit procrastinating, I got these things done on my list: 1. Called ...