Wednesday, February 06, 2013

More Lunch

Soon, soon, very soon, I'm going to have to start limiting lunch dates!  I'm getting fatter by the hour and also, am spending a barrel of dough on them.  But what's that lament by a sinner?  Something like "Make me godly, O Lord--but not just yet."  Yeah, I'll reform next week or so.
Picked Aline up at our usual 12:30 and she suggested Applebee's, a good choice, as I hadn't been there lately.  I can hardly believe it, considering I rarely eat mammal flesh at home, but I saw a "half sandwich of roast beef, bacon, and mushroom" and had to have it.  It came on rye soaked in, I guess, bacon fat, which sounds gross, but tasted divine.  I ate every scrap, along with a Caesar salad and a crisp Blue Moon. 
I had told Aline I had a number of stops to make after, and she was glad to accompany me.  We went to Kohl's where I finally found a pair of snow boots I liked and picked up a blouse, too.  Considering it's February, I assumed boots would be on sale, but they weren't; however, I got fifteen percent off.
Went to Shop-Rite for groceries, then B.J.'s for cottage cheese (I buy their three-pound tubs and got two of them).  Aline asked to be dropped off at the library, where we said goodbye after a pleasant, companionable day.  Got home after 4:00 and realized I hadn't sent the three packages I wrapped yesterday, so rushed back to the post office and got them off.
Started viewing the Arsenic video Eric McD. had given me.  It's the play, done in 1983, I think, and I'm glad to have it.  I won't slavishly follow my character's "tone," but might pick up some things I'd like to incorporate into my performance.
Today, I must prepare for a busy tomorrow: Dionne Quint program in the morning, for which I'm picking up Aline; activities meeting with Leslie in the afternoon; and rehearsal in the evening.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...