Sunday, February 24, 2013

Good Show

Last night's performance went rather well.  Of course, there were some dreadful and infuriating errors and omissions (if somebody else did them) and minor, inconsequential little blips (if I did them) but overall, it was pretty good.  We didn't "mix" until after the show, I'm happy to note, and when we did, I got some wonderful compliments and congratulations.
Now if this third day was just the start of a long run, we could actually relax and hone our presentations, but it's the last performance.  I'm not as sorry about that as I normally would be, what with all the production problems, but I'm still a bit regretful. 
Anyhoo--David, Polly, and I got up about 7:30. Polly Skyped their son and daughter-in-law, Geoff and Bongsu, on her iPad.  G. and B. live in Jakarta--he's in the foreign service, as his Dad now is--and we all had a nice chat.
After, I was able to put together a salad, cut up fruit, pan-fry sausage and ham, and lay everything out as a buffet while we talked.
The further company, Betty and two couples, one contributing a quiche and Italian bread, the other gluten-free cookies, got here by 11:30, and we sat down to a nice, leisurely brunch. Dave and Polly left a few hours later--they had a commitment in D.C. that night--then I got ready and took off for Surflight, fearfully early, as usual.
Didn't get home until after 11:00 or to bed until after midnight.  Oh, well, that was the last night for awhile I'll be out and up so late; I'll slowly get back to normal over the next few days.     

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...