Friday, February 08, 2013


I survived yesterday, but barely.  Picked up Aline at 8:45 and got to the Stafford Library just after it opened.  We went to the desk to check in and ask for a cart.  We were then approached by a tall elderly man who introduced himself as Eric England, the guy who had done the piece on my program for The Sandpaper and other local papers.  He said he couldn't stay for the program, but just wanted to meet me--very nice guy and I appreciate his articles.
As I customarily do, I had brought a fair number of Dionne artifacts in two big boxes and a small one, plus two large cloth bags.  Boy, those boxes are heavy and the meeting room is down a flight of stairs.  However, we made it and after covering two long tables with tablecloths, I set the stuff up.
I was surprised and gratified at the number of people who showed up;  Doreen, vice president of the club, counted 62.  She introduced me and I launched into the program.
It was so well-received and the audience so attentive, it was a pleasure to be there.  There were lots of questions at the end, including the standard "What got you interested in the Dionne Quintuplets?" Even after, as we were having coffee and cake, a number of attendees came up to me, many of them to tell me they were born in the same years, or a relative had seen the Quints, or whatever.
After packing everything up and loading the car (luckily, we were went a cart and used the elevator to get up to ground level), it was close to 1:00 before we left.  Dropped A. off and got home just in time to freshen up a bit before Leslie stopped for me and we walked to the Activities Meeting at the clubhouse.  Along the way, we met up with Roberta O., president of the Women's Club and gave her our checks for membership.
The activities meeting, at which upcoming events were discussed,  lasted about two hours, so I got home before 4:00.  Changed into something else, studied my lines, then took off for rehearsal.
It went well, but I'm far from off-book, and I'm going to devote the weekend to memorizing.  With my popcorn and wine, saw the rest of the Arsenic DVD Eric McD. had given me.  Very cute and I may incorporate a bit or two into my character, but generally speaking, I think I have it down pretty well.
Monday, we start rehearsing at Surflight--can't wait!

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