Saturday, February 09, 2013


Just got up to see a winter wonderland outside.  A few inches, I guess, not too bad.  I tested it and it seems dry, so we can still take our walk.  Already have my new Totes boots on and they seem fine.
Yesterday, it was all rain, all day. Fine by me, as after our walk, exercise, and a trip to the bank, I stayed in to study my lines.  Talked to Betty twice.  She was a bit worried at possible flooding, but it seems not to have materialized.
At exercise, I chatted with the daughter (Diane) of a resident, (Eunice).  Found that Diane has a house in Ventnor, which is up for sale, but is staying with her mother temporarily.  Had a nice talk and I'm going to call them for a "Blowin'..." profile.
Well, I thought the age thing had missed me--ha!--but apparently not:  All day yesterday, I believed it was Saturday, but it weren't.
Other than the above, it was just a nose-to-the-(memorizing)-grindstone day.
Short Time Later Note:  Just got back from a truncated walk.  I didn't realize that either it's still snowing or the wind is whipping the snow around.  Anyway, it was very uncomfortable walking, the snow stinging my face and my glasses fogging, so I turned back after about a half mile.  Bitter-ender Susan went on.  One good thing: I'm pleased that I bought the new boots so recently.  After their baptism by--uh, the elements--they proved themselves to be a good purchase. 

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...