Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Another full one.  Picked Leslie up at 11:00 in a driving rain and we went to the cemetery.  Betty met us there and we talked about Pat, sometimes laughing, sometimes not. Stopped at Jay's grave, too, of course, then left to go back to the land of the living.
We had a good lunch at Italian Gourmet, then parted to go home, still through rain.  I spent most of the rest of the afternoon studying my lines, until my dinner guest came.  We ate, said goodbye, I dressed, then left for rehearsal.
I had known that the theatre, Surflight, had been hit hard by the hurricane, but had understood it was thoroughly restored.  When I walked in, though, I was stunned to see how far from the truth that was.  Geez, it looks horrible.  It had been carpeted, but of course, that was saturated by water when the storm hit, so carpet had been torn up and the bare concrete floor is what now shows. In addition, there were all kind of other problems. Even some of the seats need to be re-bolted to the floor--there are downright hazards all over the place.
Rehearsal was a shambles, too.  Of course, at this stage, they usually are.  I was annoyed with myself for not knowing a lot of my lines, but at least others weren't completely off-book, either.
Anyway, we went through a portion of act two and finished at 9:00.  Driving home down half the length of Long Beach Island was an eerie, not to say frightening, experience.  It's a summer community, so is always sparsely populated in the winter, but now, it's essentially deserted.  Almost no businesses are open and hardly a house in a hundred was lighting.  In addition, a heavy fog hung over the island and I expected a Stephen King spectre to come looming out of the mist.
However, I made it home okay.  I have a R.H. meeting and luncheon scheduled today, but I've decided to jettison the lunch.  It's on LBI itself and I'm just not willing to go that far twice in a day.  Besides, I want to devote myself to studying my lines--we do act three tonight.

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