Thursday, February 14, 2013

Play And Spaghetti Sauce

Again, I did little but study my part yesterday.  Over and over, I listened to the tape and repeated the words in answer to the recorded cues.
Did take out time to make spaghetti sauce for the first time in my life.  Yes, and--ta dah!--I actually used fresh tomatoes.  As my friend, Leslie, had assured me, it wasn't difficult.  I chopped tomatoes, onions, garlic,and seasonings, then simmered it for about an hour and a half.  Added some sausage I had in the freezer, and had a bowlful (without pasta--I didn't want to take the trouble to cook it) and, if I say it myself, it's  terrific.  I have plenty left, so will just eat that until it's gone.
Annoyingly, it started to rain the minute I pulled out of the garage, but I got to Surflight with no problem.  Even more annoyingly, we were again short several of the cast, and didn't start until about 7:00, although rehearsals are called for 6.
Well, it's shaping up, but barely.  My "sister," Chris, was so stressed, she had an emotional breakdown, but we all rallied around and assured her she'd be fine in the role.  Did the first part of act one, tonight we'll do the other, and boy, I still have to keep my nose to the you-know-what. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...