Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Tad Better

Things are looking up--more or less.  Rather than try to negotiate the backstage "chairs," Chris and I decided we'd just have to change costumes on the tiny platform.  We managed to do it--barely--and that'll just have to be it.
Aside from accidentally leaving out several pages of action in the second act--lah, de, dah--rehearsal went reasonably well.  If only we had another week to perfect it, it would be great.  (Anybody who has ever been on stage knows this is an absolutely universal statement toward the end of EVERY  production.  It's just the panic spectre manifesting itself.)
Took time out to go to Produce Junction and Canal's in Atlantic County and got stuff for my company.  Guess I'll clean today, wash the bathroom rugs, and otherwise prepare.  Better fit in script time, too, as I had to call "line" a few times last night. 

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