Monday, February 25, 2013


Well, it's over.  Yesterday's performance was good--I didn't write "very good," or "wonderfully good," or "so good that Broadway agents were clamoring to sign us," but it was better--I think--than the other two.  Anyway, it's moot now.
Betty and five of her friends were there in the front row center, in fact, and I enjoyed talking to them after.  Leslie and Dennis came, and so did--surprisingly--the L.'s, as well as several other Sunrise Bayers.  Les sent me a congratulatory e-mail.
After the hugs and kisses and congrats, we struck the set and were asked to take our costumes home to wash and press.  I had contributed a lot of props, including wine glasses, cloth napkins, and pictures.  Along with other personal items and the clothes, it took four trips to the car to get it all in and it's pretty much filled with stuff. 
Said goodbye to the rest of the cast and the crew.  I hope to get to perform with some of them again, but several live up in Monmouth County, farther than I want to go for a play.
Am I glad I did it?  Yes.  Did I enjoy it as much as I have other productions?  No.
For my own information--if not edification--I'll enumerate some of the reasons for that negative.  They range from very minor to huge problems and include things that just couldn't have been helped to maddeningly-easy- to-remedy-but-never-were problems.  I'll do that in a separate post, as it's mostly just an aid for my memory, in case I can use the info in the future.

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