Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Zipped up to get Ellen in the morning while Pat was still asleep. We had a good time together, as ever: Walked to Shop 'n' Bag, made Nana Mix, and so on. Pat loves having her here, too, of course. Mike called on the web cam and talked to Ellen and me. After dinner, E. trimmed the tree while I took a shower--it looks great (the tree, not the shower).
Will go to Lisa's Christmas Eve party tonight. So sorry Ellen can't come with me--but we can't very well leave Pat alone.
Wes J. asked for the Nana Mix recipe, so I posted it on his "wall" on Facebook. It's a million times better than the commercial kind and much, much better than the bland, conventional recipe, too. My mother didn't like the original Chex recipe--partly because she was too cheap to add mixed nuts--and revised it with peanuts and to be much spicier. It really is good. Mom had told me that my nephew, David W., came up with the name "Nana Mix."

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...