Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I decided to pull myself out of the gloom by calling Marissa, the p.t. and asking her to come later (she had been due at 1:00) so I could go to the mall. I did, while Pat took his after-breakfast nap, got what I wanted, and was back before he woke up. Marissa got here later--about 4:30--but it worked out well.
Also asked the Visiting Physician service again about the podiatrist, and told them to give me the number. Called that office and hope to get somebody to call back for an appointment. Also told the V.P. Pat needs to be seen by the nurse practitioner or doctor to check the new leison on his ear.
This morning, I go to my doctor for a BP checkup, then we drive up to Toms River to the plastic surgeon. That's looming as a nerve-racking ordeal and, wouldn't you know, it's raining, which makes it worse. If we just get through this week, we can relax--I hope--for a time.
Wider: There's an interesting piece in Truthout (on-line) about how the health care system got as bad as it is. This is just a snippet:
"All of these problems are due at least in part to an employer-based system, the original intent of which was not to provide quality health care to all, but to circumvent wartime wage regulations. As we begin to debate how to reform health care, we should keep in mind that the American health care system was not created to express American values or to meet Americans' health care needs. And knowing that, we should not be afraid to change the system if we can come up with a better one."
Makes a lot of sense and for those who cry, "Socialism!" one can just point to the police, education, the military--not to mention now the banking system--and ask why they aren't considered "socialism."

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