Monday, December 15, 2008

Kind of a dreary day. Aside from forays to Rite-Aid and Acme, did little. Pat slept a lot and I just had to wait around to help him dress, get his meals, clean up, and so on. He pointed out a new cancerous sore on his ear--not the one we have to go back to the plastic surgeon for tomorrow--and asked me to "make an appointment" at the dermatologist's. I absolutely will not do that unless I have to--we have a visiting physician, for heaven's sake; that's supposed to relieve us of going out to doctors and I'll be damned if I'll combine the inconveniences of both.
Wider: If you really want "dreary," here's a must-read from Justin R. at
But OH, I got a real lift (heh, heh) when I saw the video of Bush under shoe attack. "You dog!" said the hurler, an Iraqi T.V. reporter. Yes, yes! He IS a dog and a serial killer and a child-murderer. That reporter should be cheered and feted and rewarded for taking direct action against such a monster. Yay!!!

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...