Thursday, December 04, 2008

Great fun at the Women's Club luncheon. Went with Barb H. and Pat H. and I won one of the raffle prizes--a pocketbook I like a lot. Got home by 3:00 and Pat was fine. Looking forward to the L.'s party today (starts at 4:00)--oh, the social whirl!
Wider Note: Yesterday's The Press of Atlantic City ran a picture on the front page of Obama and several of his cabinet. He had a blue tie on and so did at least two of the others. Now, I've noticed very often that Bush and his cohorts wear red ties. It's just incredible to me that whoever decides these things (the valets? Hah! More likely the costume and set designers) must consciously pick out the colors to correspond to the political camp in which the person falls. I guess the tie thing is fairly minor, but it seems to point up the degree of manipulation to which the American public is subjected. In ways subtle and blatant, large and small, we're maneuvered to where the ruling class wants us.
Along that line: In light of the confusion and unanswered questions surrounding the Mumbai tragedy, am I entertaining the notion that the whole thing was stage-managed, maybe with the connivance of the U.S.? Oh, yes, I surely am. And--something I never thought I'd consider--I'm beginning to take seriously the claims of the fringe that 9/11 was a put-up job, too. Then there's the Kennedy assassination...
It's a bad old world out there.


Anonymous said...

Personally, I am a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy but I agonize for hours over what color t-shirt to wear. Alas, there is no escaping the demands of fashion

Anyway, I am curious to know why you are beginning to take seriously the claims of the fringe that 9/11 was a put-up job. Will you be posting something on that?


Mimi said...

It's just that I keep reading blogs and other material that point to the fact the attackers were Saudis (and the ruling class there is friendiy with the U.S. ruling class, notably the Bush family); that there were clues some type of attack would be perpetrated in the U.S., but the intelligence people either discounted or missed altogether; and the "coincidence" of the attack paving the way for the invasion of Iraq.
I don't necessarily think some agent contacted the attackers and said, "Here, we'll give you or your family whatever and provide the opportunity to highjack the planes..." or anything that direct. In fact, if it was with some kind of assistance of the U.S., it was probably much more subtle and indirect.
Mind you, without more evidence, I'm not convinced there was any U.S. involvement. I'm just saying I wouldn't absolutely discount it, as I have for years.
On a more important topic, it's comforting to hear you're such a fashion icon. I'd hate to think anybody reading my blog would violate the appropriate tee-shirt rule.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...