Monday, December 08, 2008

Busy domesticity yesterday. Went to Manahawkin for groceries, changed our bed, did mountains of wash, and decorated a bit more. Talked to Ellen in the evening.
Wider Note: My friend, Gerri B., sent an alert that "Washington Journal" would feature Norman Solomon, talking about his book, War Made Easy. He also has a DVD adapted from it, with Sean Penn narrating, and a bit of that was shown. The segment was on at 7:30 am and I got back from our walk in time to catch most of it.
Solomon very calmly and seriously spoke about how we're victims of the politician/media network to first consider, then accept, then champion war. In fact, we seem to be putty in their hands.
Of course, when it goes on "too long" and the body bags start coming home, we find ourselves turning against it, but it's often too late to go back. From the show, it's evident that Solomon illustrates his points with not only Iraq, but Vietnam. I was intrigued by his mention of "progressive democrats"--dems who are pro-peace--and will look into the organization.
Solomon quoted Obama as saying (during his campaign, it's important to realize, not after the election) that he would end not only the war in Iraq, but end the "mindset" that led us there. This is essential if we're not to remain child killers. Ominously, though, I read on a blog that O. acknowledged after the election that statements are often made by candidates that may not be the absolute truth. He then, even more ominously, did not except himself from this failing.

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