Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Yoicks, I didn't get up until quarter of six, so had to rush to dress and meet Susan for our walk. Yesterday was very slow. Did lots of wash, as usual, puttered around here and there, but mostly hung around waiting for Pat to wake up. Mary Ann Van O. called to invite me to dinner on New Year's Day--yes, indeed, would love to--and to a violin concert in Toms River on the 11th, which I hope I can swing--we'll see. Marissa, the p.t., came in the afternoon and the nurse practitioner will come today.
I'm so sick of the sickroom atmosphere and so tired of caregiving and so sad at my husband's decline.
Wider: Re the above. How dare I complain, knowing there are people in the middle east who would give anything to be in my situation--instead of existing as targets. A quote from Anti-War.Com:
"Israelis and Arabs 'feel that only force can assure justice,' I. F. Stone noted; he also wrote, 'A certain moral imbecility marks all ethnocentric movements. The Others are always either less than human, and thus their interests may be ignored, or more than human and therefore so dangerous that it is right to destroy them.'"
So true! So exactly the attitude of the warmongers and their supporters! And it's so topical, isn't it?
Actually, that was written in 1967, forty-one years ago, during the Six Day War.

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