Friday, December 26, 2008

Very enjoyable, low-key Christmas. Mike web-cammed and I talked to him and Paula, Patrick called, and our two girls were here.
We opened the bottle of champagne friends had given us for our anniversary and toasted our family, drinking out of the fluted glasses I had bought for Joel and Jen's wedding party to use more than 5 years ago. Served chicken, rather than turkey (it was probably more tender, anyway), plus the turkey gravy from the freezer (the one that I made from scratch and that took nine hours), cranberry sauce, potatoes both baked and sweet, banana and pumpkin bread, and stuffing, of course. Ellen bought and prepared fresh string beans and Alison contributed a carrot dish made with mayonnaise and horse radish--very tasty.
I confess though, that FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE, I bought, rather than made, the pies, pumpkin and apple. I had pumpkin, which I thought had a strange, gelitan-ish consistency, but I did add real whipped cream. The apple was okay, I guess, but can't compare with my homemade.
We opened our presents after, with some members of the party violating the terms of our cheapseanna gift-picking and getting Pat and me gifts. Pat got two nice sweaters, each with the required front closing and two pockets and I got silicon oven mitts (my daughters are convinced I'm going to set my kitchen towels on fire) and a crock pot index file with great recipes, along with more kitchen towels--always welcome. Also received a Christmasy cutting board and an ornament from a neighbor.
Along with little Lulu, who mostly stayed on the floor and scrouged for scraps, we had a lovely time. The upper Jersey company left about 9:00, I had my glass of wine, and fell into bed.
Much as I love the fall and winter holidays, I yearn for spring.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...