Saturday, December 20, 2008

After a soggy trip to Acme (it rained most of the day), I stayed cozily in. Made an apple crisp, did some wash, and it was actually pretty enjoyable. There's something I like about being more or less forced to stay in, but I guess I wouldn't like it for long periods.
Amy, the OT, came. She's very nice and made a few suggestions for "independent living," but we kind of agreed having the PT come twice a week was enough.
I was a little uneasy this morning when Pat asked for another pillow--he already uses two--and for me to put his oxygen up to 3 1/2 liters. His breathing was even more labored than usual, maybe an ominous sign, but I'm not sure. Emphysema is a particularly lousy disease, although I guess none of them are fun and games.
Later: Just back from Weight Watchers. Somewhat disappointing (but understandable, considering dinner out and Susan's party), I'm up a pound. This brings me to 128, with 71.6 off. Must be particularly vigilant, what with my birthday tomorrow, Christmas Eve, and Christmas all looming with yummy stuff to tempt me. Okay, I'm going back to WW next Saturday and will take my lumps, whatever they are, then get back on the straight and narrow in the new year.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...