Saturday, December 13, 2008

The sun broke through in the late morning yesterday, portent of a happy day. (Mimi, don't be a sap--but it was.) Pat slept late, even for him, and had just finished breakfast when Jack B. stopped in. They enjoyed talking while I put out a few more Christmas decorations (I'm trying to quit, honest!), then made and wrapped Pat's lunch, and zipped over to Marge's.
We went to a new restaurant in Galloway--Romanelli's Garden Cafe--and had a great time. Marge and I are on the same wave-length on most things and talked and talked and talked. I had a delectable turkey wrap, half of which I ate then, and half I saved for dinner.
Pat's cousin, Joe, from Jacksonville, and they had a good talk while I mad Pat a breaded pork chop, applesauce, scalloped potatoes, corn, and banana vanilla pudding for dinner. A miracle: He told me on how good it was.
Neat day all around.
Later: Back from Weight Watchers, I'm down another .2 and at an even 127; total loss is 72.6 pounds. I'm okay with that, but will continue to weigh in every week, as this is the danger (birthday/Christmas/New Year) zone. I'd like to get back down to 125.
Wider: From Arundhati Roy at
"'Here is a list of the countries that America has been at war with - and bombed - since the second world war:...China (1945-46, 1950-53), Korea (1950-53), Guatemala (1954, 1967-69), Indonesia (1958), Cuba (1959-60), Vietnam (1961-73), the Belgian Congo (1964), Laos (1964-73), Peru (1965), Cambodia (1969-70), Nicaragua (the 1980s), El Salvador (the 1980s), Grenada (1983), Libya (1986), Panama (1989), Iraq (1991-99, 2003-08), Bosnia (1995), Sudan (1998), Yugoslavia (1999), and Afghanistan (2001-08).[37]. From this, by simply counting, the years 1947-49, 1955-57, 1974-79, 1990 and 2000 were the only peaceful ones. 73% of the years, from World War II's end until 1989, the U.S. was militarily intervening somewhere."
Oh, but we're a peace-loving nation, aren't we?

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...