Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The less said about yesterday the better. With great difficulty, got Pat into the car in garage and, just as we pulled out, an icy rain started to fall. It continued--more heavily--all the way to godforsaken Toms River. Was able to get the chair and Pat out of the car under an overhang, then parked, getting soaked, and finally got in the doctor's office. The receptionist then chirped, "The doctor was called away; is it all right if the nurse sees him?" I said, "I don't care if the janitor sees him, this is the last time I'm coming here." As it turned out, the ear is healing nicely. Now, though, Pat has sores--certainly more cancer--on his other ear.
To top off the diem horribus (who do I think I am, the queen of England?) while we were sitting in the world's heaviest traffic in TR, somebody rear-ended me. I found no damage when we got home, but didn't know that at the time, so wailed and cried and gnashed my teeth. Well, not really--by that time, I was numb.
Okay, it's over and today is Susan's Ladies Luncheon, to which I'm looking forward. Even more, I'm happily anticipating my birthday on Sunday, when I get to have the family here. And better, better, best, Ellen comes in on Tuesday--happy day!
Wider: Here's Justin R. on Anti-War.Com, in his piece on my hero, the guy who threw the shoes at the mass-murderer, Bush:
"The next time some pompous politician, earnest policy wonk, or just your average, everyday agent of a foreign power suggests invading and occupying a nation purportedly just waiting to be "liberated," we should all reach for our shoes and – like Mr. al-Zeidi – take careful aim…"
Justin goes on to write about what for me is a deeply-unsettling truth: The propensity of "liberal democrats" to show an undue reverence for the presidency. He asks if, now that their candidate is about to succeed, whether their anti-war noises will subside. A good question--and I'll definitely look into the "progressive (read actual, not republican lite) democrat" movement.
Couldn't resist adding this, from the blog "Dead Horse"":
"How I despise patriotism in all its manifestations for it brings out the worst in people, the ignorance, the violence, the indoctrination, the destruction of any kind of thought, the double standards, the murder, the lies, and the rivers of human blood soaking the earth. And it ought to be shocking how little it takes to convince the gullible masses for the need of war. All it takes is a little propaganda. A few lies repeated over and over, the bogey man of manufactured non-existent threats."
And how true. And how horrible.

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