Thursday, January 31, 2008

I met my new library person yesterday and greatly enjoyed it. Janice actually lives within walking distance (about 10 minutes) from me in a small, but attractive apartment. She has some kind of impairment that prevents her from talking at full volume; also uses a "scooter" and walker. However, I had little problem understanding her and we had fun getting to know each other. Janice owns a beautiful, smoky-grey cat named "Rose," who's a Tonganese. I had never heard of the breed, but when I mentioned it to Susan, she was impressed.
We visited for a while, and I gave her the tape she had requested. She wasn't sure why the library also sent the book, as it's difficult for her to hold one, so she usually listens to tapes. I took it back after I left her. Later, I got two e-mails from her, including a picture of her in a hysterical cow costume one Halloweeen. I'm going to enjoy knowing her, I'm sure.
Got Pat to SOCH for his 10th radiation session without incident. Six more to go...
Other than that, I was occupied by the usual domestic chores. After dinner, I was trying to decide whether to go to a town hall-type meeting when Susan called to ask if I wanted to go with her and Walter. I agreed, and we left about 6:15.
The meeting concerned an idiotic decision by our esteemed Little Egg Harbor "engineers" (actually, I believe, escapees from a lunatic asylum) assuring us of the wisdom of effectively closing off a nearby street that leads to Route 9 because its residents don't like the traffic. This seriously inconveniences everybody else in the area, of course, but hey, who cares about them?
The room was packed and after an unconvincing presentation by the three perps, citizens had a chance to speak. Naturally, there was a great deal of angry invective, but there were also very sensible and obvious solutions offered. These, including proper speed enforcement, didn't force drivers to take their lives in their hands when they tried to cross Center and Oak Streets and were met with thunderous applause.
We stayed almost to the bitter end and didn't get home until 9:00--much too late for me to be out. I still had my popcorn, but am out of my usual cheap wine and didn't feel like opening another bottle, so had lager beer. I don't like it, so threw most away. I then retired to my bed, read a while, and am glad I was able to get up in time for our walk.
This is Weight Watchers day and later, I'll pick up Mary Ann Van O. for lunch, an enjoyable prospect, of course.
Later: Just back from WW and I lost another 1.6 for a total of 56.4 and a current weight of 143.2. I'm only 2.2 from my goal weight, so was advised to call headquarters (geez, I feel like a cop) and ask for a refund, as my dues are paid until February 26. Got a gold star after I revealed I had completed the 10 mile hike on Saturday (now I feel like a first-grader).


iloveac said...

'Back in the day'...God, I hate that expression and here I go using it. I think it used to be that one no longer had to pay dues once they reached Goal at WW. Is that still true? Of course I never reached close, but 'no cigar'. I'm just full of cliches today.

Mimi said...

It is true, Pat. If you stay within 2 pounds over goal weight, you don't have to pay. I set my goal at 141, but actually want to lose more than that--there's no penalty for going under.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...