Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Susan and I had just started up Windstar Drive yesterday when two magnificent deer ran across the street a few yards in front of us! It was a nice start to the day.
Betty called and we had good chat and wished each other Happy New Year, of course. Got a nice, newsy note from Patrick; he and his bride saw her parents for traditional new year food and rituals. He also sent new year wishes, as did Alison and Ellen.
Otherwise, same old, tame old. Went back to the Manahawkin Wal-Mart to get another wreath container--of course, they were out of them. Drove all the way to the Mays Landing Wal-Mart, and yes--they were out of them, too. When I go to Toms River to exchange my sporting togs at Modell's, I'll check the Wal-Mart there.
Called the lady for whom I'll be getting library books (even to me, that sounds awkward) and made a date to see her next week.
Called Alison to wish her good luck on the first day of her new job. Said we'd be at her place for a birthday dinner for Joel on Sunday. He'll be 26 and yes, folks, that's my grandson. Sometimes, I forget that myself.
Pat called his bay buddy, "old George," (who's 83; "young George" is about 65). George is in Deborah with heart disease and an aneurysm. Poor guy is really worried--no wonder. He thinks they'll operate on Friday. Hope his sister-in-law, who was with him and is his only relative, knows to talk to a social worker about getting help for him when he gets home.


iloveac said...

I typed a comment and hit appeared briefly and then poof. I think I'll start copying my message just in case so I won't have to re-type the whole thing.
Anyhow, I was commenting on George's aneurysm. Rich had an open repair in '02. Some can be repaired via a minimally invasive technique and maybe George will be a candidate for that approach. Rich was not. Even tho the open method is the 'Gold Standard', it is more dangerous. Even before they would open Rich they had to do a triple bypass open heart graft. Five months later they did the aneurysm. I believe George would be eligible for about 21 days in a skilled nursing facility..or most definitely home health care. Rich did fine and as I told him I believe all the alcohol he consumed in years past must have preserved him. Plus he had a sleep-in ..oops, I mean live-in RN to monitor him.
He still has two aneurysms further down the aorta, but they seem stable for now anyhow.
Stay warm.

Mimi said...

Pat, thanks for your comment and info on Rich's situation. George was told they wouldn't operate on the aneurysm until they cleared his arteries; not sure if that means medically or not. He's in the medical intensive care unit, so I think it's pretty bad. I got him a card and just called to get his room number. I was surprised to be told, because he's in that unit, he couldn't receive anything, even cards. Boy, that sounds ominous.
Yes, he's eligible for rehab, and if he has supplemental insurance, he could stay up to 100 days. It's possible he has Medicaid, too. He can also get a visiting nurse and home health aide. I just hope whatever procedure he gets solves his problems and he can get home again.
Stay warm!? Yes, it's bitterly cold out today and we had flurries this morning. Of course, that didn't keep me in, but it was nippy, all right.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...